We unfortunately have no further trails planned at this time.

We still host fun matches! Future dates and details will be posted here.

Fun Match Sunday Sept 15th, 2024

Set-up 12 pm (noon) First dog on the line 1:15pm email ravedogsports@gmail.com with:

  • Your Name

  • Dogs name and breed

  • Jump height

$25 for 3 rounds: Standard, Steeplechase and Jumpers. Payments accepted: e-transfer to ravedogsports@gmail.com or cash

Upcoming trials



To qualify for entry, the General Agreement must be signed and entry must be received with payment by the deadline. Please ensure that your entry is complete or the entry may be discarded.

Exhibitors, through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are familiar with AAC rules and regulations, including but not limited to the following:
This event is open to all dogs at least 18 months of age, purebred or mixed breed, except bitches in season, aggressive dogs, or dogs suffering from any deformity, injury or illness which may affect the dog’s physical or mental performance.

Obstacles shall be chosen from those described in the current edition of the rules and regulations of the MC. No leads, collars, food, toys or other aids or devices shall be permitted on the course at any time. No toys or food on course during familiarization. It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for the behavior of their dogs and/or children. Any exhibitor whose dogs and/or children create an unnecessary disturbance or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may be asked to leave the show grounds and no refund of fees paid will be made. Exhibitors must keep crating and exercise areas clean. Please pick up after yourself and your dogs.

There will be no refund after the closing date for dogs that are withdrawn, with the exception of bitches in season or sick/injured dogs if we are provided with a vet’s certificate.

TRAINING CLASSESWe offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced agility classes. Learn more.


We offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced agility classes.
Learn more.

INSTRUCTORSWe are a small dedicated team of agility enthusiasts with extensive training and experience. Meet our instructors.


We are a small dedicated team of agility enthusiasts with extensive training and experience.
Meet our instructors.

FUN MATCHESRave offers several fun matches throughout the year. Check back often. Upcoming fun matches will be posted here and on our calendar. Read more.


Rave offers several fun matches throughout the year. Check back often. Upcoming fun matches will be posted here and on our calendar. Read more.